As a nonprofit organization, I believe in full transparency. I want to provide more information to those who are interested.
Where does your money go?
It can go to a few different places.
1. Buying tools or lumber for individuals with a diagnosis.
2. Paying our teachers
3. Overhead operation costs. This includes things like our Zoom account, email address, phone line, website, etc. No one at Plane Wellness currently takes a salary, more information below.
4. Saving up to buy land for the retreat facility.
Click HERE to see our 2024 Financial Overview
Why is there an option for people to pay for a course?
The simple answer is, we cannot rely on donations to fund our charity and the services we provide. We also don’t want to exclude anyone from having the option of taking a course if they don’t have a diagnosis. The money raised from paid students goes to the above 4 points.
Do you have a 501(c)(3)?
-Yes we do! Your donations are tax deductible! Click HERE to see our documents.
Do you accept tools and lumber as donations?
-We do, click HERE to see our current tool/lumber needs.
Can I help in a different way?
-Help us is by spreading the word that we exist. Share us on social media, in your community, family, etc.
Is anyone a paid employee at Plane Wellness?
-I, Jamie Harpster, am currently the only “employee” of Plane Wellness and I do not take a paycheck from the company. I currently work 3 jobs, I have a full time job in the mental health field, a YouTube channel, and I operate Plane Wellness along with a Board of Directors. I hope to one day reduce that to only YouTube and Plane Wellness; however, this could be years down the line.
I have more questions!
Feel free to send me an email at or call me at 724-902-8525
Want to support the mission?