How to Sharpen a Backsaw

Experience Level: ANY

Instructor: Dennis Wayne (click here for his website)

Class Size: 10 students

Sessions: 2 sessions at 2 hours each

This course will be via Zoom.

Picture of a Dennis Wayne backsaw with a cherry handle sitting on a woodworking bench with other tools

Course Description

In this course Dennis will talk about when it is time for a saw to be sharpened, then teach you how to sharpen your backsaws. He will go over rip cut and crosscut saws while you get to practice along with him. He will also go over how to troubleshoot issues that may arise. Lastly, Dennis will discuss other saw sharpening techniques like how to set a saws teeth and repairing a tooth line.

Tools Needed*

-Saw vise or a way to clamp the saw for sharpening 
-Flat Mill or Bastard File (about 10″ long)
-Backsaw (17 ppi or lower – rip or cross cut. One of each preferred to learn both methods. We do not recommend you try to learn on a saw that is 18+ ppi, the lower the better till you practice more.)
-Bright colored marker/Sharpie
-Desk light that you can move around
-Triangular File (use the guide below to help)
  • The 5″ long double extra-slim taper file is for teeth from 11 to 14 ppi
  • The 7″ long needle file is for teeth from 15 to 17 ppi
-File holder with a fence to keep the mill/bastard file flat to joint the saw teeth 
  • 2 pieces of 1″x1″ angle iron at 4″ long work great for this, Dennis will show you how to use it.
  • A block of wood with a slot to hold the file 90 degrees to the face of the wood also works.
  • Lee Valley also sells a holder here 
*If you qualify for free courses and you do not have the tools to participate in this course, please let us know in the Additional Comments of the registration form. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to provide saw vises or saws. To see if you qualify, click here.

Course Cost*


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*If you qualify for a free course you will not be charged for anything. Application steps are in the registration form or click HERE to see if you qualify.

Course Dates

 September 14th and 15th, 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm EST

Register/Apply Below!