Dovetails 101

Experience Level: ANY

Instructor: James Wright (Wood By Wright)

Class Size: 5 in person and 20 virtual

Sessions: 1 session at 4ish hours 

This course is being offered in person (Rockford, IL) and via Zoom. 

Picture of James Wright holding a set of dovetail boards

Course Description

The class will start by going through the basics of cutting a thorough dovetail set. This is a very beginner-level class. it is designed for those who are just starting out in the hand-tool woodworking world. Once the first dovetail is done, we will move on to a second dovetail, and if the class is up for it, we will do a half-blind dovetail.

Tools/Materials Needed*

Dovetail saw
Bench chisel set
Coping saw (optional)
file set (optional)
Marking Knife
Square 4-6″
Marking gauge
Bench With Vice

Supplies needed: 
Two scrap pieces of wood 3/4″ X 3 1/2″ over 1′ long


*If you qualify for free courses and you do not have the tools to participate in this course, please let us know in the Additional Comments of the application form. We may be able to get these supplies for you. To see if you qualify, click HERE.

Course Cost*

Full= $75 – In-Person with tools and scrap lumber to use
$65 – Virtual 

Save up to 25% on our courses by becoming a Plane Wellness Patron, learn more here

*If you qualify for a free course, you will not be charged for anything. Application steps are in the registration form or click HERE to see if you qualify.

Course Dates

January 25th, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. CST (10:00 a.m. EST) to 1:00 p.m. CST (2:00 p.m. EST)

Register/Apply Below!